How to Draw Texas State Tree

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US Official State Trees

Official State Tree Designations

Each of the 50 states have designated an official "State Tree." All of the state trees, except the Hawaii's state tree, are native to the state in which they are designated. Some of the Latin names you see here may be different from those you may have seen before due to changes in plant nomenclature; we have chosen to list the current valid botanical name. Where more than one accepted common name exists, the common name in the legislation has been listed.

Many of the Official State Tree Designations of the 50 States listed here can be found in the US National Arboretum's "National Grove of State Trees." However, because the climate in Washington doesn't allow the growth of all of the state trees, trees have been substituted for some of the states.

  1. California has designated two distinct species as its state tree.
  2. Although Iowa did not designate a specific species of oak as its state tree, many people recognize bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa, as the state tree since it is the most widespread species in the state.
  3. Although no specific species of magnolia was designated as the state tree of Mississippi, most references recognize the Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora, as the state tree.

Many of the Official State Tree Designations of the 50 States listed here can be found in the US National Arboretum's "National Grove of State Trees." However, because the climate in Washington doesn't allow the growth of all of the state trees, trees have been substituted for some of the states.

US State Trees

State Symbols

Tree - Species - Designation - Adopted

Alabama Southern Longleaf Pine
(Pinus palustris Miller)
Alabama State Tree - 1949;
Alaska Sitka Spruce
(Pinaceae Picea sitchensis)
Alaska State Tree - 1962
Arizona Blue Paloverde
(Fabaceae Cercidium floridum)
Arizona State Tree - 1954
Arkansas Loblolly Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus taeda)
Arkansas State Tree - 1939
California 1 Redwood
(Taxodiaceae Sequoia sempervirens
California State Tree - 1937

Giant Sequoia
(Taxodiaceae Sequoiadendron giganteum)

California State Tree - 1953

Colorado Blue Spruce
(Pinaceae Picea pungens)
Colorado State Tree - 1939
Connecticut White Oak
(Fagaceaen Quercus alba)
Connecticut State Tree - 1947
Delaware American Holly
(Aquifoliaceae Ilex opaca aiton)
Delaware State Tree - 1939
Florida Cabbage Palmetto
(Arecaceae Sabal palmetto)
Florida State Tree - 1953
Georgia Live Oak
(Fagaceae Quercus virginiana)
Georgia State Tree - 1937
Hawaii Kukui
(Aleurites moluccana)
Hawaii State Tree - 1959
Idaho Western White Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus monticola)
Idaho State Tree - 1935
Illinois White Oak
(Fagaceae Quercus alba)
Illinois State Tree - 1907;
Indiana Tulip / Yellow Poplar
(Magnoliaceae Liriodendron tulipifera)
Indiana State Tree - 1931
Iowa 2 Oak
Quercus species)
Iowa State Trees - 1961
Kansas Eastern Cottonwood
Populus deltoides)

Kansas State Tree - 1937
Kentucky Tulip / Yellow Poplar
(Magnoliaceae Liriodendron tulipifera)
Kentucky State Tree - 1994
Louisiana Bald Cypress
(TaxodiaceaeTaxodium distichum)
Louisiana State Tree - 1963
Maine Eastern White Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus strobus)
Maine State Tree - 1945
Maryland White Oak
(Fagaceae Quercus alba)
Maryland State Tree - 1941
Massachusetts American Elm
(Ulmaceae Ulmus americana)
Massachusetts State Tree - 1941
Michigan Eastern White Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus strobus)
Michigan State Tree - 1955
Minnesota Red Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus resinosa)
Minnesota State Tree - 1953
Mississippi Southern Magnolia
(Magnoliaceae Magnolia grandiflora)
Mississippi State Tree - 1938
Missouri Flowering Dogwood
(Cornaceae Cornus florida)
Missouri State Tree - 1955
Montana Ponderosa Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus ponderosa)
Montana State Tree - 1949
Nebraska Eastern Cottonwood
(Salicaceae Populus deltoides)
Nebraska State Tree - 1972
Nevada Singleleaf Pinyon
(Pinaceae Pinus monophylla
Nevada State Tree - 1959

Bristlecone Pine
Pinaceae Pinus aristata)
Nevada State Tree - 1987

New Hampshire Paper Birch
(Betulaceae Betula papyrifera)
New Hampshire State Tree - 1947
New Jersey Northern Red Oak
(Fagaceae Quercus rubra
New Jersey State Tree - 1950

Flowering Dogwood
(Cornaceae Cornus florida)
New Jersey State Tree - 1951

New Mexico Pinyon
(Pinaceae Pinus edulis)
New Mexico State Tree - 1949
New York Sugar Maple
(Aceraceae Acer saccharum)
New York State Tree - 1956
North Carolina Longleaf Pine
(Pinaceae Pinus palustris)
North Carolina State Tree - 1963
North Carolina Fraser fir
(Abies fraseri)
North Carolina State Christmas Tree - 2005
North Dakota American Elm
(Ulmaceae Ulmus americana)
North Dakota State Tree - 1947
Ohio Ohio Buckeye
(Hippocastanaceae Aesculus glabra)
Ohio State Tree - 1953
Oklahoma Eastern Redbud
(Fabaceae Cercis canadensis)
Oklahoma State Tree - 1937
Oregon Douglas Fir
(Pinaceae Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Oregon State Tree - 1939
Pennsylvania Eastern Hemlock
(Pinaceae Tsuga canadensis)
Pennsylvania State Tree - 1931
Rhode Island Red Maple
(Aceraceae Acer rubrum)
Rhode Islans State Tree - 1964
South Carolina Cabbage Palmetto
(Arecaceae Sabal palmetto)
South Carolina State Tree - 1939
South Dakota White Spruce
(Pinaceae Picea glauca)
South Dakota State Tree - 1947
Tennessee Tulip / Yellow Poplar
(Magnoliaceae Liriodendron tulipifera)
Tennessee State Tree - 1947
Tennessee Yellowwood Tree
(Cladrastis kentuckea formerly Cladrastis lutea)
Tennessee Bicentennial Tree - 1991
Tennessee Eastern red cedar
(Juniperus virginiana)
Tennessee State Evergreen Tree - 2012
Texas Pecan
(Juglandaceae Carya illinoensis)
Texas State Tree - 1919
Utah Blue Spruce (Old)
(Pinaceae Picea pungens)
Utah State Tree - 1933
Utah Quaking aspen (New)
(Populus tremuloides)
Utah State Tree - 2014
Vermont Sugar Maple
(Aceraceae Acer saccharum)
Vermont State Tree - 1949
Virginia Flowering Dogwood
(Cornaceae Cornus florida)
Virginia State Tree - 1956
Washington Western Hemlock
(Pinaceae Tsuga heterophylla)
Washington State Tree - 1947
Washington, DC Scarlet Oak
(Fagaceae Quercus coccinea)
Washington, DC District Tree -
West Virginia Sugar Maple
(Aceraceae Acer saccharum)
West Virginia State Tree - 1949
Wisconsin Sugar Maple
(Aceraceae Acer saccharum)
Wisconsin State Tree - 1949
Wyoming Cottonwood, Plain
(Populus deltoids occidentalis)
Wyoming State Tree - 1947;
United States Oak
(Fagaceae Quercus)
United States National Tree - 2004

State Trees

State Trees

All of the state trees, except the Hawaii state tree, are native to the state.


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